These are three molds of hearts for goblet stems.
The molds were 40% plaster, 60% silica by volume, and were charged with flowerpots with 400g of salmon and clear hotshop cullet.
The molds were fired in kiln #3 on the following schedule:
1. 2:00 to 90
2. 10:00 to 100
3. 14:00 @ 100
4. 20:00 to 600
5. 21:00 @ 600 (pull vent)
6. 21:01 to 850
7. 30:00 @ 850
8. 30:01 - 515
9. 40:30 @ 515
10. 60:00 -375
11. 70:00 - 50
The program was started at 22:00 on Sunday December 6, and unpacked at 13:00 on Friday December 11th.
Two out of the three flowed perfectly, the third didn't completely flow out of the flowerpot into the mold, so needs to be re-fired. There is no difference that I can see between the ones that flowed and the one that didn't, so, I don't know what was up there.
While cutting the reservoir off of one of them, it shattered, I'm really not sure why:
But, for the one that worked in this firing and the other firing that these were in, I took them into the hot shop and made glasses with them in the stem... one of those worked, one went away with a cracked foot, and about 4 hit the floor (I re-used the castings when things went wrong):
Here are Pictures for this firing:
Labels: Kilncasting